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Mart, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 As you know we are in ramadan month.So we should fast as muslims.Because when ramadn arrive muslims should fast.And for this we have to eat something before the morning prayer.So we eat meal to fast.But what is fast? In ıslam there is a special month.It is ramadan.In ramadan muslims fast to pray and  empathy.As you know people who are in africa dies because of hunger.And we understand them by fasting.So we eat sahur to fast.Actually sahur like breakfeast.But muslims eat it until morning prayer.If you are living in turkey you can learn your city's morning prayer time.People who are in the vilage wakes up with drummer's voice.After they wake up drummer wants tip for himself.The first drummer of islam is Bilal-i Habeşi.You can eat whatever you want expect haram things.And dont eat many chocolate.This tradition applies in ''Egypt,Syria,Sudan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Palestine'' As a result sahur is making people stand when they fast.So if you eat sahur, ...


 As you know Mehmet Akif is our İstiklal anthem's writher.And he isn't just write  İstiklal anthem.He wrote many works.And today you will learn the history of him.  HİS HİStory                                                          He was born in 1873 in istanbul his father name was Mehmet.And actually his father gave Ragif  instead of Akif but after his father died in istanbul on 1888,the people called him Akif.when he was in  his four years old.He started Emir Buhari school.After two years he passed to Fatih Secondory School.Then he went to Mekteb-i University.But since his father passed away he passed to Baytar in Halkalı.In 1893 He started to work in Ziraat nezareti umur-u battariye.In 1898 he married with miss ismet in the same year he published his own poems in the differents languages.So he became famous with h...


 Japan is a country in west Asia.They are famous for their tecnology.Cause they are good at tecnology.Most of people love there because they are not in dnger about earthquake.Because they acts justice when they make a building.They don't steal from material.And now,you'll learn the japanese's history. JAPAN'S HİSTORY Japan found in 538.When it found it they named it Teikoku.Japan officially recognized as a country in 660.In those period There were not any people.But then population increased.But there is a thing which was about to destroy the Japan.It was Hiroshima event.Since USA hate Japan they throwed atom 2 bombs these names are ''Fat man and litte boy'' After the war they about to destroy but since they standed they saved their country. THEIR TRADIONAL FOOD Japanese has many tradional foods but I'll just explain my favorite and the most common one.It's ramen.Ramen is a type of soup and pasta.It makes with curly pasta,beef,corn,green onion,eg...