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Mayıs, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


Measles is a type of childhood illness.It usually reveals in spring.It can see in the adults who have not passed  measles in his or her childhood.Ihope you willl leaern something. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS MOMENT COLD HİGH FEVER DRY COUGH SORE THROAT TIREDNESS CONJUNCTIVITIS KOPLIK STAINS SOME İNFORMATİON ABOUT MEASLES It takes about 5 days. If you are measles  you have to put up with the itching. The incubation period tooks 10 or 12 days If you had measles ıt has a Vaccine treatment.As you know in elemantry school  the nurses came to make vaccine.It was the measles vaccine.If you did not make this vaccine take your chance.Contact, kissing, and eating from the same container increase the risk of measles.


 On monday I published a book named malamander.And today I came here to give you the malamander's sequel. İf you read it you will want to read more. There is a storm which will come to weird sea village. Acording to the fishers a legend monster provided it. And as you know has a habit.They can come True.To relax it there is a treasure.And this is  in the herbert.Brave violet and her friend herbie will do the best about gargantis.They started to search the event with a bottle which make bring from Wendy. everyone can be the thief.And there was aa man who distrubs herbert.He distrubs him everytime to take the treasure.Can they deliver the treasure and find the thief? Don't forget to stay tuned for more.I hope you will like the book .Do not forget if you read it you will want to read more


 Who is hungry? If you are hungry you are lucky because I came there to give a repice.Ihope you will like it.For the repice go down. MATERIALS: Burger bread.It it up to person. 700gr mince. Cheddar  Ketchup  Mayonaise Pickle Tomato slices Lettuce REPİCE 1)Prepare the materials 2) Knead the mince and then add the spices if you want 3)Make them meatball 4)Cook the meatballs with a little bit oil  5)Put cheddars into meatballs 6) take a plate and then put the burger bread 7)put the things the shape you want 8)Serve it to your family                                                           ENJOY YOUR MEAL☺


As you know people reads many books.But some books cannot be suitable for their age.But today ı will give abook suggeestion for you.The  name of the book is malamander.It is suitable for the kids who is in 10 and up.It has 320 page and it published in 2019.       Malamander is an advanture book.Everhing starts with Herbie and Violets introduce.WHen violet tries to escape from a man he introduces wirh herbie.When she try to escape she stucks into cellar's window and herbie saves her.Then they became friend to find violets family.And to find herfamily he should find malamander.Because malamander's egg has a power.So if you have malamander egg your dreams will come true as long as you have the egg.So they starts to search malamnder.But There are several obstacles in front of them.Will they find malamander and his egg?     I hope you will like it. When you read this book you will feel llike youre in there.See you next time 

Michael Jackson

He was a star once upon a time.He was teh most famous is forgotten.He is michael jackson.To learn his life just scroll down.* He was born in 1958.Since his father was interested in music,he instilled* it to his family.He started his music career when he is 5 years old.He stepped his foot to music with his brothers.They introduced themselves to the public because of their hard work.Like this they affected some popular artists.Gordy who affected from the group,started to work with group.Michael became popular,so he wanted to take off solo in 1970.He married in 1994.But unfortuanely they divorced*.Michael had as many antis as his fans.So he changed his  skin not to jugjed.And he died in 2009. Even its not famous today.We'll remember him.Live in peace Michael.


As you know almost everyone love pancake.So today I will give a repice for you.But unfortuanely I cant be easy.Lets start with materials. MATERİALS; 2 EGGS HALF GLASS OF SUGAR(WATER GLASS) 2 CUPS OF FLOUR 1,5 GLASS OF MILK 2 FOOD SPOON OF OIL 1 PACKET OF BAKING POWDER* 1 PINCH OF SALT TO COOK; 3 food spoon of oil REPICE; 1)Put eggs and sugar into a deep stamp* 2)Beet them until it get a creamy temper* 3)Add oil and milk.Then mix it again. 4)Put all of the materials  into stamp and mix then until it takes a smooth* temper. tricks ;before cooking, put the oil in another stamp and apply the oil to the pan with a tissue. put the pancake mortar small into the pan.Dont forget to aplly the tricks.                                                              ENJOYY<3

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

As you know,there are many musicians in the world.But in this blog I'll mencion about an old man.His name is mozart!Lets start. He was born in 1756.His birth place is Salzburg.In his childhood he was interested in music.When his interest increase his family understand that,he will become a music artist.Because he records the voices in his mind.So he gave many conserts in Europe.With this way he became popular.In 1780 he staged his first opera in İdomeneo.Mozart who settled to Viyana,affect from turk history.Because Mozart composed the Rondo ala turca from Mehter anthem.He has many works.And unfortuanely he died in 1791.When he died he was in his 35.Some of the people said his hands and foots blowed and he died.But it didn't talk more. Long story short, if he was not  famous the music world became we honor him in our hearts


 As you know,nowadays airfry became popular.Since its reduce calories and cooks faster people buy them .So the brands which sell air fries produced appliccations to give repices.Today I found a cake repice.Actually since this repice like a beggining repice I wan to post it. MATERIALS; 1 EGG 1 TEA CUP OF SUGAR 1 TEA CUP OF OİL 1 TEA CUP OF MİLK 2 TEA CUPS OF FLOUR 1 PACKET OF BAKING POWDER 1 PACKET OF VANİLLA (ITS UP TO YOUR REQUEST) STAGES; 1) Break the egg and add 1 tea cup of sugar.Then beat it  until it became almost white. 2)  Add the milk and oil.Then mix it.But don't be fast. 3) Add the flour in a controlled way and mix it slowly not to pour. 4) Add the other materials into it and mix again. 5) Put the cake mix into muffin cups                                                        ENJOY YOUR MEALL