Measles is a type of childhood illness.It usually reveals in spring.It can see in the adults who have not passed measles in his or her childhood.Ihope you willl leaern something. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS MOMENT COLD HİGH FEVER DRY COUGH SORE THROAT TIREDNESS CONJUNCTIVITIS KOPLIK STAINS SOME İNFORMATİON ABOUT MEASLES It takes about 5 days. If you are measles you have to put up with the itching. The incubation period tooks 10 or 12 days If you had measles ıt has a Vaccine treatment.As you know in elemantry school the nurses came to make vaccine.It was the measles vaccine.If you did not make this vaccine take your chance.Contact, kissing, and eating from the same container increase the risk of measles.