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Ocak, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


Adam and Havva  got used to live in the world and one day Havva understood sheis pregnant.and said it to Adam,they were happy.Then when the   breed time had come,Havva gave birth twins including 1 girl and 1 boy.They were doing best for their children.Adam was  working  and Havva was  looking after them.Since the habitat haven't seen a family they  were the first family of habitat. Their children were their joy and they connected each other.Adam named his son Cain.Children were growing up fastly.And the next year Havva gave birth twins again and they were crowded.From now on Adam often hunt and increased the crains.Adam named his second child Abel. Years have passed and children grew up. they started to help their mother and father.Since they started to help their father and mother Adam made work sharing.Cain was working at field and he was always struggle to carry water to field because he was ambitious,angry and jealous.And all of them to be better than Abel.But Abel was opposite


 Once upon a time there weren't any people in the world.God created almost  everything except people.Then God said that; I'll create a alive and you'll prostrate to him. the Angels asked; Dear God will you create a bad alive who fights,spills blood and kill others? the God replied like this; Don't forget that I know that you don't know. Then God created Adam.After God create Adam God teached everything witch are on the habitat and made a litte exam to Adam and angel.God asked some tools to angels and they did not answer the qouestions and Adam teached everything to angels.So every angel prostrated him but satan did not prostated him and since God created satan from fire and Adam from mud,it supposed itself it is better than Adam.And so God fired satan from Heaven.when it fired it said that; Please make me alive till afterlife so I can deflect people to bad way. God accepted it's offer and it left from Heaven.Then God placed Adam to heaven.Adam benefits from


 In this book,melody couraged and grew up.In summer her neighbor M.s.V teaches language,math and history to Melody and her sister.So they always go to library.One day when they go to library,the officer showed a camp banner to melody and Melody felt exited.Because the camp was for childiren who are have an illness or like melody.Since she want to go there,she showwed the banner to Her mother.Then her mother decided to fill the camp form.But unfortuanely,the quota was full.Because of this reason;Melody felt unhappy.But after a few days her appeal accepted.When Melody hear it she felt happy and exited. When they in the way,Melody and her family worried because this was the first separation of them.But they were happy because Melody will have fun.In the camp there were advices per kid.And Melody's advice is Trinty who finds Melody's worry normal.Melody had 2 camp friends.They are;Jocelyn and Athena.The advices explains the places which they will visit and in there Melody meets wit


 M.r. Beast is an youtuber in YouTube(Actually his real name is Jimmy Donaldson).He has a lot of  followers and fans.The reason of this is;He is rich! So he has a lot of  fans.He was born in 1998 in America.In 2016 he graduated from Grenville Christian academy And did not go to universty for his youtube career.When he make a interwiew with Keemstar,he explained his illness ''cronh''.Donaldson started making videos in 2012. Since  he arrived his dream follower limit in 2013,he made a song who has name ''Mr beast 6000''.He  still had low followers butin 2017 he startedto have many follower and became popular! As of  december 2022 donaldson has 126 million subriber and 22 milliar wiew.He has a job instead of youtuber is;management in Night Media. His videos usually consist giving money to people,donating money,parkours.How he bring races for them; firstly he makes a draw to chosse racers.Then he took  his followers by plane near him and in the end of the ra


 Music inside myself is a book.This book inspired of  someones life. so when you read it,you feel yourself in this event.The lead role is Melody Brooks.She is the most perfect person in the book!!Since she has cerebral palsy her family always support her.So she achieved to survive.Thus her family always record, she starts to question the life.And when she contine to  question her life,her neighbor m.r. Violet helped her. In outside the people treatmented that she is mentally retarded  but she was not mentally retarded.One day her fam.brings her to doctor and her doctor tests her.The end of the tests her doctor diagnoises her mentally retarded,but her mother denied him about this subject.Melody can hear,see and smell everything,but she cannot reaction them unfortuanely.Melody's fam. discovered that she has a photogyraphic memory.Melody who has an photogyraphic memory was interested in music thanks to her family.Then she continiues to interested in music.                            


 Mark Twain's real name was  SamueL L.Clements.He was born in Florida,Missouri,the sixht of seven children.When hewas 4,Sam's fam.moved to a smaal town named Hannibal,on the blanks of missisippi river.Sam's father died when he was eleven.Then,Sam left from school and got a job as a printer for a local newspaper. Sam had several job in the 1850's.In 1853,he moved to newyork and then to Philadelphia.He worked on several differrent news papers and began writting articles(like mee).In 1857,he retuned home and worked as a riverboat pilot on the Missipi river.But when the American civil war started in 1861,all the traffic along the river stopped.In 1861,Sam moved to Nevada with his brother,Orion,to work on silver mines.🜛 He hoped to become rich,but he could not find any silver.He had no money so,he got a job on a news paper again.He started using his pen name,Mark Twain, for the first time. In 1864 Sam  moved to San francisco and got the same job there.ıN 1865, his big break