M.r. Beast is an youtuber in YouTube(Actually his real name is Jimmy Donaldson).He has a lot of followers and fans.The reason of this is;He is rich! So he has a lot of fans.He was born in 1998 in America.In 2016 he graduated from Grenville Christian academy And did not go to universty for his youtube career.When he make a interwiew with Keemstar,he explained his illness ''cronh''.Donaldson started making videos in 2012. Since he arrived his dream follower limit in 2013,he made a song who has name ''Mr beast 6000''.He still had low followers butin 2017 he startedto have many follower and became popular!
As of december 2022 donaldson has 126 million subriber and 22 milliar wiew.He has a job instead of youtuber is;management in Night Media.
His videos usually consist giving money to people,donating money,parkours.How he bring races for them;
firstly he makes a draw to chosse racers.Then he took his followers by plane near him and in the end of the race;he giver winner/s money.Also he,supported Piew DiePie in the subriber race and he made a lot of offer for him.
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