Money is important for us because we use it in every area of life.For example when we want to buy a something we use money to buy it. it provides to barter. All of the people take advantage off money.So,almost all of the people whose are lived in world used money as a trade gadget.İt's history stands before milad 7.Thus money is extremely old invention.
Money maded by LYDIANS.The first lydia money pressed by beaten technical.Beaten process makes with a hammer and an anvil, this was a hard work but in our age it is easy to make but it's costly, just buy an beaten machine and pull it's arm.Since Lydias invented the medal money,trading became easy!
The first paper money inveted by CHINA in after milad 806. since they found the paper they said that;'why we did not made money from paper' then they invented money. Turkey's first money pressed named Osmanlı in 5 january 1843. hence we invented money beforepaper money we named it yellow money.Our money which is in our age maded in 1923 from ankara printing presss.
finnally in our age dolar,euro and sterling are the world's highest money currency unit
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